Posted by: xeper | February 16, 2009

The Real Issue in the Economy

“Men, for the sake of getting a living, forget to live.”

Margaret Fuller


Sarah Margaret Fuller Ossoli (May 23, 1810 – July 19, 1850) was an advocate of women’s rights and, in particular, women’s education and the right to employment. She also encouraged many other reforms in society, including prison reform and the emancipation of slaves in the United States. In 1839, she began overseeing what she called “conversations”: discussions among women meant to compensate for their lack of access to higher education. Fuller was a journalist, critic and women’s rights activist associated with American transcendentalism, a group of new ideas in literature, religion, culture, and philosophy that emerged in New England in the early to middle 19th century. Among transcendentalists’ core beliefs was an ideal spiritual state that ‘transcends’ the physical and empirical and is only realized through the individual’s intuition, rather than through the doctrines of established religions. Prominent transcendentalists other than Margret Fuller included Ralph Waldo Emerson, who wrote in his essay “The American Scholar” what may be the real answer to the real economic problem:


“We will walk on our own feet; we will work with our own hands; we will speak our own minds …

A nation of men will for the first time exist, because each believes himself inspired by the Divine Soul which also inspires all men. […]

So shall we come to look at the world with new eyes. […]

Build, therefore, your own world.


Conform your life to the pure idea in your mind [!]”



And Xeper the Seeker looked at AHMOSE the young ancient Prince and said, not really asking, “Those are words you approve.” And AHMOSE smiled silently. No more should we for getting a living forget to live. May Amen the Invisible bless your soul, Margret. I think what you say, Ralph, may be the only solution for the real economic problem; rebuild the whole system with new economics, build a society of Real self-fulfillment, of Divinely-inspired individuals, working to speak their own Real minds, to conform not to social norms and consumerist slavery but to the pure idea in their Souls. And though I know it will not be the first time for such a Divinely-inspired Nation to exist, I will do as you say, I will re-build my own world..

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